How to Make New Years Resolutions That Work

aka – How to be an awesomeness magnet.

I know you still have a little holiday hangover from the chocolate/nacho binge, so I am going to give you the easy peasy way to make New Year’s Resolutions that work.

1.     Step away from the dark chocolate.

2.     Write a list of the top six things you want:








Now, chances are you put things on your list like get a new job, change my husband, or change the laws about muzzling the children. But those aren’t what you actually wanted. You wanted the feeling you get from those things.

So write the list again, but use the feeling state you want:







These should be something like security, deep joy, sanity, etc.


Then, write a list of ways to bring these feelings into your life right now:  (Why wait?)








Yes, there is effort involved, but that will make it all the sweeter.

And remarkably, once you have the feelings in your life, it draws the things you want into your life like a magnet.

I’m positive.
(A little magnet humor.)

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