I Hate Soup.

I don’t like soup.
And I don’t like to chop.

To me, soup is perfectly good food on which someone has dumped a pitcher of water. Ick.

Chopping vegetables is mind-numbingly boring. I am still missing some feeling in my left pointer finger due to a chopping incident. Chopping is not my thing.

My sister enrolled us in a knife skills class after Christmas, so I am feeling a little more powerful about my knifing skills, plus it has made chopping a little more fun. Not necessarily less dangerous. But I now think I look like someone on top chef. (I don’t.)

But back to why I have a big glorious photo of my vegetable soup at the top of this article.

I know vegetable soup is good for me.
It fills me with nutrients.
It’s sheer low calorie volume will help my leptin-resistant tummy feel sated.

My roadblock to eating soup was the thought, “I don’t like soup.”
While true, this thought wasn’t serving me.

So I listened to what I tell my clients: “Try changing what you eat in a playful and curious way.”

I listened to what I tell my kids: Try that spinach. “You may not have liked it in the past, but one of these days you will like it, and that day may be today.”

Why not give soup another try?

So I chopped up a big batch of soup.

And I liked it.  (Hey Mikey!)

My soup makes me feel cared for and the spices taste complex (they’re not) and it feels comforting in my stomach.

Who knew?

I love that I can choose what things to like.

I’m not just telling myself to like soup, like an affirmation, I really do like this soup. I come home at lunchtime looking forward to the soup. Out of everything in the refrigerator I could grab, I want the soup.

I wanted to share that with you: The news that you can…

notice the things you want in your life and embrace them as they flash by.

Snag those examples of what you DO want before they fade.

Don’t just assume you don’t like the things you haven’t liked in the past.
Be curious. Be open-minded. Then make a mental note when you prove yourself wrong.

I call it being primed for a new normal.

I didn’t like soup and now I do.

This seems like it could be so applicable in so many areas of life.
I’ve done the same thing with spending time alone.

What do you want to like?

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