I Can Fix Anything

As a parent, I want to fix things when my kids are hurting.

I have to remind myself that I want them to go through hard times.
Even when things aren’t fair.

Especially when things aren’t fair.

It’s the times of challenge that breed confidence. You only create confidence by going through something difficult… going through the fire and getting to the other side.

It was that way when your child learned to walk. You didn’t watch him try to walk the first time and when he fell say,

“Well, I guess this one wasn’t a walker. We’ll just carry him the rest of his life so he doesn’t fall again.”

No, you clapped. You squealed. You took pictures.

There is room to be a cheerleader in all of life’s challenges.

You don’t need to squeal when they are teens. I have found a more “cool” way to cheerlead.
I try something like, “Wow. That situation really does suck. But you handled it really well.”



I know I can fix things for my kids.

But sometimes fixing is really breaking.

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