Why I Started Swearing Like a Sailor

I never used to curse. I always thought that people who swore just hadn’t put enough thought into articulating exactly what they felt.
It was an easy way out.
It was inefficient.

I simply had no desire to curse.

Then I had children.

I thought I shouldn’t swear in front of a child. If I say a curse word they would repeat that in pubic places until Child Protective Services came and slapped the handcuffs on me.

I shouldn’t swear.
Which is exactly why I was suddenly dying to do it!

I already had a lot of other parenting restrictions in my head,
like do not watch violent TV in front of the children.
No sex in front of the children.
Be patient.
Make them healthy food.
Read them stories at bedtime.
Bathe them regularly.
Don’t yell.

I was basically not allowed to do most things adults do.

So many rules!
So much restriction (coupled with sleep deprivation).

I wanted to curse, damn it.

So I would go away for weekends with my girlfriends and swear like a sailor. And by swear like a sailor, I mean use the word shit once, and damn twice.

I was such a badass!!!

This is how resistance works when you are trying to manage your money too.

If you are in your head, keeping track of all the things you shouldn’t buy, you rebel.

When you think about depriving yourself, you feel deprived.
So, instead, I am keeping track of all the things I do have in my life.

A beautiful house.
A hunky husband.
Truly good kids.
A career I love.
Big trees right outside my window.
Owls that hoot in the twilight part of evening.
Fresh clean air to breath.
Electricity to give us light.
A refrigerator to keep my food cool.

I still sprinkle in some cursing from time to time (and giggle like a school girl) but I have ditched restrictive budgets.

And that, my friends, is f*cking awesome.

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