Lies We Tell Ourselves About Money

We tell ourselves that money is hard.
We tell ourselves that money is scarce and we need to do things we don’t want to in order to have enough money to live.

We tell ourselves there is never enough money.
And if we get more money that means someone else has less money.

Lies. All lies.

What I want to propose to you is that money is easy.
Money can flow into your life.
There is abundance everywhere around you.
Especially in this first world country we live in.
There is food available everywhere from convenience stores to grocery stores to our refrigerators.
There is clean, fresh air all around us.

There is enough money for everyone.

We tell ourselves the lies because our brains are trying to keep us safe.
But we can disbelieve the lies.
We can be kind and gentle and compassionate with ourselves and let the universe conspire to make things happen for us.

Money can be easy if you let it.
Or you can get all tangled up in the fear of what might happen at some later date.

You get to choose what to believe.
And what you believe determines the results in your life.

What do you choose?



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