
Someone who loves their money doesn’t avoid it.

Someone who has a good relationship with money honors their money by investing it so it grows.

They keep track of it.

They count it and organize it.

Avoidance never serves you when it comes to money.

Avoidance is when you don’t open your bills each month because you think the numbers are so big.

Avoidance is when you come home from the grocery store and don’t know how much you spent.

And avoidance is hiding the extra shopping bags in the trunk of your car until your family isn’t home.

You have to tell yourself the truth about your numbers if you want a good relationship with money.

You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.

And when you have a good relationship with money, it ups your game in every area of your life.

When you love your money people want to give you money.
When you show up sparkly and enthused, people want to hire you and help you.
They want to be with you when you are not carrying the weight of money stress that slumps your shoulders and flattens your voice.

When you love your money it feels like freedom.

What feeling are you trying to avoid when you avoid your month truth?


You are not alone.
We are all trying to avoid something.

I want to challenge you to stay in your own integrity and open your eyes to your money truth.

Stop avoiding.
Truth hurts, but avoiding hurts too.

Be still with yourself and kind to yourself.

Truth is clean pain.

Truth is pain that heals you and moves you forward.

Avoidance is dirty pain.

Pain that feels icky.
It deepens and festers.

Start with a whisper.

Tell yourself your money truth.
Be gentle with yourself, but start today.

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