I’m worried about being greedy.

Sometimes I worry about greed.

I worry that people will think I’m too greedy if I buy myself nice things.

The dictionary says greed is, “Intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.”

I think you have to be careful about the word selfish.

People throw around the word selfish like an accusation.

I find that the real problem most women have is not that they are greedy.
The bigger problem is that they avoid being selfish or greedy.

Imagine this rabbit hole:
You are worried because someone called you greedy for wanting things.
You feel guilty.
You wonder if you really are greedy.

So you pull back and don’t ask for as much and don’t try to get as much money.
As a result, you aren’t your best.  You are trying to please other people so they won’t think you are greedy.

You live a smaller life.
And your family and loved ones aren’t getting the best you.

All because you are worried about being greedy.
And selfish.

I don’t find this to be a problem so much with men.

It’s considered a woman’s place to put other people first.

When women say things like, “I love to make money,” People accuse them of being greedy.

Warren Buffet loves to make money.  He is the third richest man in the world.  He is 90 years old and still goes to work every day.  
He doesn’t need the money but he wants to make it.

No one thinks Warren Buffet is greedy.
They think he is smart. And charitable.

Only you can decide if you are greedy.

Don’t let anyone else decide for you.

It’s ok to want money.
In fact it’s awesome to want money.

You don’t have to have any grand design to help other people with it.
Because when you are making money you are exchanging value for it.
Your value is going out into the world.

If someone thinks you are greedy, that is on them and their thinking.
Let them be who they are.

You?  You are creating value.
You are living an expansive life.
A life with results.
And meaning.
And connection.

No guilt.
Guilt doesn’t serve anyone.

No judgment.
On you or on anyone else.

Love your money and your future money.
Let your life big as big as you want.
The world and those who enter your orbit will be better for it.

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