You Might Be Secretly Wealthy.

For some people it’s having a private jet.
For some people it’s living without debt (but no biggie if they have no running water).
Let’s figure out what being wealthy means to you.

Your money story is a big indicator as to whether you feel wealthy or not.

The people you grew up around gave you clear indicators as to what is enough and what isn’t.

The awesome news is that you don’t have to live by those lessons learned in the past.
You get to decide right now what wealthy is.

Let your body help you decide.
What are the core feelings you want to have in your life?
There is no right or wrong answer.
Mine are connectedness, kindness and humor.

When I want to feel an abundance of humor, I can go right to Youtube and there are thousands of videos that would take me a year to watch that will make me laugh until I cry.  
I am definitely wealthy in the humor department.

Connectedness… I have sought out and feel wealthy there too.I live in a walkable neighborhood.  I chose it because I love walking down the street and seeing my neighbors and getting to know them.  When there is a neighborhood dinner, I go. When someone needs me to watch their dog, I do. It feeds my feeling of connectedness. And I feel very abundant and wealthy with connection.

Kindness I have cultivated with purpose.  I grew up thinking that clever trumped kindness.  But about five years ago I realized this was one of the core values that made me unhappy.  So I changed it.

I surround myself with kind people and make sure to read the newspaper articles of kind people doing kind things.

I can have a million dollars and feel poor or a million dollars and feel wealthy.

With money, I choose to feel wealthy.
I haven’t always been successful… I’m still working through my own scarcity thoughts, but it’s like a muscle.  I am building that practice.
Because I know that $100 to someone in Somalia can buy them food for a year.
And I know that for a billionaire $100 is the tip for one dinner.

Wealth is all in our minds.

I am wealthy in so many ways and I am seeking more wealth.
Just because I am wealthy doesn’t make someone else poor.
It’s not a zero sum game.

It is joyful to be wealthy.

Humor begets humor.
Kindness begets kindness.
And wealth begets wealth.

I believe that everyone is secretly wealthy.
You just have to notice it.

In what ways are you wealthy?

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