Money Blocks

A money block is a thought you have that keeps you from feeling abundant.

No matter how much money someone has, I see a lot of the same money blocks across the board.

Here are three I hear a lot:

1 – Thinking you have to deserve it.
Here’s the real deal…
Money is just money.  It is neutral. You don’t have to be someone special to have money or get money.  There is plenty of money for everyone. There are lots of ways to get money.  You can earn it through offering value. You can inherit it. You can win the lottery. You can get money in a divorce. You can sell something that has value. You can invest.
None of those involves deserving or not deserving.  They just are.
It is your birthright to feel abundant.

2 – Waiting for permission from someone else.
If you are divorcing, you may want your soon to be ex-spouse to tell you how much money you can have. I want to suggest that you are unlikely to have the best outcome if you are waiting for their permission to have your money. There are usually a lot of thoughts and emotions that rear their ugly head when it comes to divorcing.  Even couples that start out amicably become less giving as they distance themselves from the old relationship.

Some people are waiting for permission from their peers.

They have made a lot more money than their friends and don’t feel free to enjoy their abundance for fear of making their friends feel badly.

Let me suggest that you have no control over how the other person feels.
You don’t have to rub their noses in it to feel abundant.

And then there are bosses. Need I say more?

–  I don’t know how to make money

No one knows how to make money until they do it. Everyone thinks they need to know how it is going to happen to do it.
But you don’t know how to ride a bike until you figure out how balance feels.

And you figure that out as you go.
Get back to a beginner’s mentality.  You are going to figure this out. No question.

There are hundreds of money block thoughts that hold people back.
What are some of yours?

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