My Property Tax Just Went Through the Roof.

I could be upset.
I could be angry or nervous or scared.

But I don’t want to feel angry or nervous or scared or upset.
My property tax just went through the roof.

It seems like feeling angry is going to be motivation for change.
It seems like being upset is the impetus for social justice.

But it doesn’t usually work that way.

You can usually get closer to your goal by having a good feeling rather than a bad feeling.

Imagine if I went in to the tax office and was angry and upset.
Imagine me spitting and seething with a small amount of steam coming out of my ears.

I don’t think people are likely to bend over backwards to help me if I come in tense and angry.

Things are more likely to change if I come in with compassion for the difficult job of the tax workers.

I am more likely to sway people to see my side if I am at the least cool and collected.

But even more importantly, I would much rather feel compassion and love than feel angry and scared.

I might feel scared because I think I won’t have enough money to pay my taxes next year.
Or I could choose to feel grateful for all of the things our property tax gives me.

If someone were breaking into my house with a gun, I wouldn’t be thinking, “Eh – I sure am glad I saved that money on my property tax rather than have more police.”

There are things I am EXCITED to pay for.
And many of those things are paid for by my property tax.
I WANT to pay for police and fire people.
I WANT to pay for parks and trails.

Instead of letting my brain go zonkers and freak out about the 78% increase, I can choose to be grateful this isn’t the wild, wild West.

These aren’t thoughts that I am saying to placate myself.
These are things I actually believe.

I just need to remind myself and direct my thoughts to ones that serve me rather than ones that create panic in my gut.

Make no mistake.  
I am not a pushover. I am assertive and I am confident.
But I am confident from a place of peace rather than a place of rage.

And when I feel myself veering towards anger, I repeat to myself, for myself…
May you be happy,
May you be well,
May you be safe. 

Ahhh. That’s what steers me back towards peace.
And now I can go file my tax protest.

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