You Can’t Hate Yourself Richer

You can’t hate yourself richer.

Thinking that you are stupid with money is not productive.
Thinking that you are less than someone else who is “further ahead” is not useful.

If you are trying to loath yourself into getting more money, it may spur you momentarily, but it’s not sustainable.

The dream is that you will love yourself if you have more money.

The reality is when you get more money you are the same person but you have more money.

You think you will be on another plane of existence.
You get magical thinking.

You think that people will like you better and you will be smarter and the money will keep on coming.
You think that when you are rich your problems will seem small.
Or that you won’t have any more problems.
You think that you will like yourself better.

That’s not reality.

Self-loathing doesn’t flip off like a switch when the numbers in your bank account change.

What works so much better is self-love.
I KNOW! It seems backwards.

It seems like self-deprivation and restriction will make you more abundant.

But it’s the opposite.

Scarcity thinking creates more scarcity.
And abundant thinking creates abundance.

Loving yourself creates more pathways to money than self hate.
More money doesn’t make you better.

What makes you better is you working on you.
You opening yourself up and surrendering to the uncomfortableness of change.

Growth doesn’t happen when you are hating yourself.
All growth comes from a place of peace.

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