Abundance Journal

I want you to write down what you spend.

Not so you can judge yourself.
Not so you can criticize yourself about what you spent.
Not so you can beat yourself up.

I want you to write down what you spend so you can decide whether it makes you feel abundant or if you buy things from a place of scarcity.

I know you are thinking that buying always makes you feel abundant.

But that’s now always the case.

You could buy a dress and feel very abundant.  It is a dress that you have been eyeing for a while and you have the money available to spend on a dress.

Or you could buy a dress and feel scarcity. You could think that you are only going to wear this dress once so it’s a waste of money. You are going to a wedding and you don’t have anything else to wear and you aren’t even really close to the bride.

The same thing may happen with the cable bill.

You may be excited and abundant when you pay the cable bill because you are excited that you can watch all of your favorite shows on all the channels.
Or you could feel scarce, like the cable company is sucking you dry and it shouldn’t cost SO. FREAKING. MUCH. 

In both cases you are paying the cable bill.  The difference is how you think and feel about it.

That’s what you want to keep track of when you journal.

Track what you spend money on and what you think and feel when you buy it.

It is amazing when you realize that it’s not the purchasing of things that makes you feel abundant.

Try this for a week: Only spend money from an abundant place.

Skip the things that feel scarce.

It’s a game changer.

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