Villian or Victim

Money problems?

Usually we either blame other people for causing our money pain… we hold others accountable… or else we blame ourselves.

It may seem like blaming ourselves is taking responsibility. But a lot of the time blaming ourselves shows up as self-pity and self-loathing. 
We indulge in overwhelm and worry… neither of which helps in any way.

Blaming other people doesn’t work because we think we are powerless over our money situation.

Things don’t change when we are powerless.

Blaming other people (like your crazy husband) or the stock market or the economic times may seem like the truth.
But that’s never the truth.

Blaming ourselves doesn’t work because we shift focus to how stupid we are or how worthless we are, which leaves us powerless to find and solve the real problem.

So those are our choices?
Give up your power or beat yourself up.

Either way you end up in an unhealthy spin.

Unless you put aside the finger of blame and dig a little deeper for the real source of your money problems.

And the source of our problem is always the way we think and feel about money.

We can feel rich no matter what is happening around us.

Our money problem is always within us in how we think, feel and act.
We don’t have to blame ourselves to take responsibility.

We can heal our relationship with money,
look at our money and love our money.
No matter how big or small the number.

This week try this: When you are facing your money problems, take an eagle view and look at your money as if you were a bystander… a loving bystander.
Look at your money situation with curiosity and love.

After all, all of your money solutions start from a place of love and compassion.

Let’s start there.
No villain.
No victim.

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