If You Don’t Have Time to Read, Read This.

If you don’t have time to read this, take a deep breath.
In that breath you will capture a capsule form of what it feels like to feel abundant.
You have an abundance of air.
Pull it into your lungs.
Hold it there for a moment.
And let it back out.

Try it again.
Breathe deeply from your diaphragm.
Fill your lungs.
You have an abundance of air.

You don’t feel deprived of air.
It is all around you.
You take it in as you need it.

That’s how money is too.
It is all around you.
Take it in. Use it.
And let it go out again.

Hoarding money isn’t good for anyone.
When you breathe you don’t want to take a breath and keep it in.
Like air, you want money to pass back out into the world for other creatures and plants to use.
It makes the weather.
It feeds us all with oxygen.

And like breathe, we need to slow down to feel the wealth… to feel the enoughness.

You don’t want to breathe too much air. Just enough is just right.

Create a lot of value and enjoy the richness that comes back to you.
Then let it go back out.
You may be paying for other things or experiences or services, or you may be investing it so you have an emergency fund or you may pause and collect more so you can buy something of even greater value that you can pause and enjoy.

Wanting money to just come in is graspy.
Wanting money to just go out is unbalanced.

It is the in and out flow of money that keeps us wealthy.

And you can’t have flow if you don’t take time.

Take a breathe.
Feel the abundance.

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