All Wealth Comes From a Place of Peace

What do you feel when you feel wealthy?

It might be pride or abundance or many other things.

But to create true wealth, it comes from a place of peace.

It all starts from peace.

Wealthy starts when you get to your place of peace and want for nothing more in that moment.

That peace expands and creativity adds traction.

You must get up from where you sit and serve the coffee or engineer the software or manage the people.

You must put value out into the world.

Don’t worry if you fall out of that soft cozy place of peace because our brains are designed to continually want more.

That’s part of what keeps us alive.

We want more.
Then we get it.
Then we want more.

But we can continually bring ourselves back to peace.

THAT’s where we find wealth.

It’s the merger of peace and flow… the state of doing something so absorbing you lose track of time.

Peace, flow, creativity.
Rinse and repeat.

I find the graspy, scarcity places of my brain put the kibosh on wealth.
Freaking out about money scares away wealth.

But I have created a habit of continually guiding myself back to peace.

Always back to peace.

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