
You may feel ashamed of carrying debt.
You may feel less-than because you have debt.

But you are not less-than.
And that shame filled thinking doesn’t serve anyone.

Debt is not inherently bad.

Thinking badly of yourself because you are in debt doesn’t get you out any faster and often does just the opposite.

Instead of beating yourself up about debt, think of it this way:

Debt is just something we have received and we haven’t paid for yet.

Like a meal before the check comes.
Like a bill from your dentist.

People don’t hang their head in shame when they buy a house.
And a house is probably the most debt you will ever experience.

Debt is not a scarlet letter.
Debt is not a reflection of how good you are.
And debt is not something to hide from.

Debt is just debt.
And you are still glorious you.

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