A New Flavor of Discomfort

Feeling courage.
It seemslike courage should feel good.

After all, courage is a good thing.

A noble thing.

But courage does not feel good.

Courage means you are doing something you are afraid of doing.

Think about what’s going on when you need courage.
You are in a pickle.

Maybe you are having money problems and you need to have a talk with your partner about it.
That can feel scary.

You are feeling fear anyway, so why not try a different flavor of discomfort?

You can choose the discomfort of money problems or you can choose the discomfort of feeling courage.

Seems like an easy choice when you think of it that way.

We came to this world to evolve.
And evolving comes with uncomfortable emotions.

Doing the things that take courage feel so gratifying when you finish because they are hard.

So as you step into your courage and do the hard things to evolve and reach for your dreams, know that this is the way awesome things are supposed to feel.

They are supposed to take courage.
And you will become an even better version of yourself for it.

Changing your relationship with money takes courage.
And it’s uncomfortable.
And that’s OK.

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