Stuff Doesn’t Fill Your Soul

You KNOW that stuff doesn’t fill your soul.
Having more THINGS doesn’t create happiness.

You know this in your intellectual brain but underneath you still want the stuff.

It seems like one part of our brain wants to get more stuff and sneaks out and spends while the managing part of our brain is goofing off.

Underneath the intellectual knowing better…
Underneath the wanting more stuff…
There is another layer.

The real wanting.

What you REALLY want is to feel freedom…
to feel abundant.

You want to not have to worry that you will have enough.
Or be enough.

But here you are, still trying to feel better by getting the stuff.
Having the stuff.

We all do it. We feel a bit better with the dopamine hit that comes from buying ourselves a new pair of shoes. Or eating out. Or spending money on other people.

Stuff is a quick fix.
It won’t fix our problems or make us feel better for the long term.

The trick is figuring out what will fill up your soul.

Relaxing into your desires and filling yourself up with the real stuff will quiet your lizard brain.

Nurture yourself.
I know it seems counterintuitive.
We are so used to beating ourselves up after overspending.

But nurturing yourself is honoring yourself enough to be still and listen for that inner voice that is whispering your true desires.

Put down the credit card and feel inward.

Connection, integrity, love, confidence: These are some of the things that fill me up.

How about you?

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