I Can Tell You What You Really Value. I’m Like a Money Psychic That Way.

Worry about money is universal… it crosses all income levels. There are multimillionaires who are more worried about money than people on welfare.

I know a woman who has millions who thinks she is on the brink of losing everything and moving in with relatives. She clips coupons and makes her own clothes. She has a large garden and tries to grow as much of her food as possible.

Does this seem smart or ludicrous to you?

That’s what is so fascinating.

Some people think she is wise and that’s how she kept so much money that came into her life… by living frugally.

Some people think she is crazy to live in such fear. They think she is missing out.

And the thing is, either of these could be true.
The important part is how this woman thinks.
Why is she making these choices?

What does she value?

We don’t know what is going on inside her head.
But what we think of her does give us a clue as to what WE value.

We all have these unconscious rules in our heads that show themselves in how we spend our money.

The quickest way to see what you REALLY value.
not what you say you value,
and not even what you THINK you value,

but what you truly value is to look at your bank statement.

Take a look at what you are spending your money on this month.
THAT’s what is important to you.

Does it match with what you say is important?

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