Are You a Pro At Your Life? Or An Amateur?

I was listening to author Steven Pressfield the other day talking about the difference between doing something like a pro or like an amateur.

And it made me think about running your money life as a pro or like an amateur.

How does a pro go into the day?

If it’s a professional dancer, they practice, practice, practice even when they are sore or tired.

If it’s a pro tennis player like Serena Williams, they don’t hide their head in the sand if they don’t win a match. They face the truth and look for ways to improve.

Be a pro with your money life. 
 Because your money life is really just your life.

Look at the numbers even when you don’t want to.

Make choices even when you want everything in the store.

If you want to grow your life and evolve, your brain is going to throw up some resistance.

Your brain is going to create some fear and maybe a touch of shame or unworthiness around money.

So expect it.

And handle it like the pro you choose to be.

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