My Mom’s Estate? My Sister Got All the Stuff

This summer my sister, Gayle, and I helped my mother move into a continuing care community. We then tackled the task of finding homes for all the rest of her worldly belongings.

Most of it went to Goodwill and Salvation Army as well as friends and needy friends of friends.

Some of it… the mountains of slides and family papers… we are still sorting through.

But a big chunk of her beautiful furniture and paintings went to my sister, not me.


Because she recently bought a second home in the mountains of North Carolina.

She has space for things.

Am I jealous?

Not one tiny iota.

We both delight when the other finds a place for something of Mom’s we both love.

As two adult daughters, we have already fully furnished and filled our homes.

But what I realized was this: Gayle’s receiving of these riches was a perfect metaphor for receiving any riches.

You have to allow space to receive.

I find I do that with relationships.

On one hand I would like to fill my life with structured activities.
(I love me some structure. I find it lets me relax.) But I keep my schedule flexible so when my daughter wants to do the jumble in the newspaper, I’m available.

I’m free to drive a friend to the airport or let out my next door neighbor’s dog.

When it comes to relationships, I have allowed space to receive.
I get all the riches.

I’ve got enough stuff in my house.

This thing with my sister worked out perfectly.

Where do you need to allow space to receive?

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