The Exact Steps to Change Your Money Story

The first step to change your money situation is to reveal your own money story.

Yes, I know you think you don’t have a story about money… money is just money.

But we all have a story just by being alive and living around other people.

It’s the rules we have in our head about what money means.

And what we have to do about it.
And how important it is.

A lot of your money story is hidden.

We all tend to hide from our money truth.
We think it’s just fact.

My father was a banker, so I have all sorts of money stories based on things I heard as a little girl.
My sister told me that when she got her first bank account Mom told her that Dad would lose his job at the bank if she bounced a check.

Wow. That’s a pretty powerful story. I’m sure that type of story has colored both of our money thinking.

It’s not fact. It’s just a story.

Sit down with a piece of paper and write down every fear you have about money.
Write down every thought that directs how you exchange money for other things.

Your first step toward your money story is to do a thought download.

When you are doing this money story detective work, think about all of the people who have influenced you.

Some prompts I use with my clients are:

  • What did your parents teach you about money?
  • Did they teach you that money is scarce?
  • What did you pick up from being around your teachers, friends, spouse and bosses?
  • Did they teach you that if you have more money someone else has less?

Then for each money thought ask yourself, “Is it true?”

Is it really true that there is not enough money?
Is it really true that you are not good with money?
Is it really true that people who have more money are more successful?

The vast majority of the time, the answer is no.

You can’t prove it’s true.

This step alone can take away a layer of hopelessness and anxiety.

The more you do this exercise the more your money story will match the truth.
The more you do this exercise the more you create space for money in your life.
You will more closely align your values with how you interact with money.

Lay aside the stories that have been in the shadows of your mind driving your money life.
Its time to know the truth about your money.
And the best part is that the truth always feels better.

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