I Have a Problem With Pro and Con Lists

I have a friend who is deciding where to work…where to create her income. 
She decided to do a pro and con list for each place she is considering.

Here is the problem I have with a list of pros and cons:

Once you get to the point where you are writing the list, you are only asking the analyzing part of your brain to make a decision.

You are asking your managing brain to only look at the facts to make a decision.

And there is the thing…
What makes you happy and satisfied are not facts.

You experience the decision through feelings.

Happy is an emotion.
Satisfied is an emotion.
Horrified is an emotion.

So start by using your body to help make your decision.

That’s where your emotions live.

Think about each option and listen to what your body tells you.

Your body may feel light and whisper that you should take the leap.
You may have a knot in your gut telling you to not make that choice.

You may have to get very still and listen very carefully, but your body is always having some sort of reaction to your thinking.

When you join up with your body you are tapping into all of the nonverbal parts of your brain.
You are including the part of you that controls fight or flight.
You are including the part of you that makes sure you get enough rest and food and love.

Your body has what some call a second brain in your gut.
Get quiet enough to hear what your gut says about choices in your money life.

Our culture has gone way overboard in doing all of our decision-making in our prefrontal cortex.
And how is that working for us as a culture?

As a whole we are stressed and time crunched and overweight.

Let’s even out the mind/body information gathering.

Sure, if all things feel equal, resort to the list of pros and cons.

But keep in mind that your analyzing mind is less likely to tell you the truth,
while your body never lies.

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