Do You Have All the Money You Want?

If the answer is no, then something you are doing, thinking, or feeling is in opposition to creating the wealth you want in your life.

Don’t fall into the trap of gauging your own worth by the money you have.

But numbers do track your intentions.

If you set financial goals and create a plan to get there, the results will reflect the effectiveness of your plan.

Plans don’t have to be complex.

You can sock away 10% of what you make.
You can put six month’s income in a special account in case of an unexpected turn of events.
You can ask for a raise.

Those are simple.

So many of my clients think that because they are taking a lot of action they are moving towards their money goals.

But the results tell a different story.

You have to be willing to look at what you TRULY want in life.

If you don’t have the money you want, maybe you value other things more than money.

And that’s OK.
But be in alignment.
Tell yourself the truth.
You may think that you want more money when you actually want time with your family more.

Or it might be you don’t have your plan calibrated.
So tweak it.
No biggie.

Take your blinders off.
Be honest.

Set some intentions.
Set some goals.
Take planned action.

What are your results telling you?

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