Plan A, B, C and Z

Most people have a plan A.
That’s when you are making the money you want to make, you have everything you need, and the money for more than what you need.


Things are going as planned.

You may have a plan B.
You have a savings account and some retirement savings.
You have that collection of old Barbies that must be worth something… hmmm.
And there’s always credit cards, of course.

You may even have a plan C.
A and B haven’t worked out, but you have close family and reliable friends who you can tap into for emergency funds.
And how much is plasma going for these days?

But what about plan Z?
What about when things go completely wonky?

Having to go to plan Z is what worries most women underneath the daily busyness.

My plan Z fears involves deep debt, I have lost my car, and my business is in ruins.

But at least I have plenty of time to meditate and coach myself because I’m not working.

What would I do?
I would get a job.
I would camp if needed.
I would use the library.
I would simplify my life.
And I would help other people less fortunate.

Would plan Z actually be needed?
Almost certainly not.
I have safeguards in place.

But I’m ready if it happens.
I have thought about the worst case scenario and that alone makes it less scary than if I left plan Z in the fuzzy area of the periphery of my mind where scary things normally live.
Plus, even more importantly…

If plan Z is needed, I can handle it.

It would probably really suck, but I could survive.
And there’s a chance I would actually thrive.
There is something to be said for dropping all of the extra stuff and expectations and becoming a river raft guide.

What is your plan Z?

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