This is What Rich Feels Like.

Picture yourself in the future.

You go into a store and you buy whatever you want.

You go home at the end of your day and relax into your favorite chair with a nice drink. You don’t think about money because money is not an issue to you.

You go to work every day because you are doing something that gives your life meaning, not because it gives you a paycheck.

You are surrounded by people who lift you up. They challenge you and they are there for you in good times and bad.

That’s what rich feels like.

What if I told you that the person I just described had ten million dollars?

What if I told you that the person I just described had $100?

Feeling rich isn’t about a number.
Feeling rich is about confidence.

Feeling rich is about feeling into your abundance.

And feeling rich is about knowing that you will be OK no matter what.

Confidence is available to you at any time.

THAT’s where to direct your attention.

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