Why Are You Buying Christmas Gifts?

Why are you buying Christmas gifts?

No, really.

Is it because someone asked you to?

Are you doing it because you think someone will like you more if you buy them a nice gift?

Are you spending a big chunk of change because it’s just the way it’s always been?

I LOVE to buy people gifts.

But ​​​​​​last year I had a conversation with my niece and nephew and we decided to stop exchanging Christmas gifts. We can still buy gifts for each other spontaneously, whenever we want, but Christmas gifts were becoming more of a “should” than an expression of love.

Going into the conversation felt a little awkward, but we ended up feeling more connected than ever.  (And a bit relieved.)

There are a lot of reasons why to buy gifts for people… big gifts or small.

Just be sure you like your reason.

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