Everyone’s reaction to my inheritance really surprised me.

I started getting calls after my video the other week about inheriting money.

People were congratulating me on my inheritance.

What the wha?!? Congratulations surprised me.

Maybe they didn’t watch the entire video.

The whole reason I recorded the video was not to announce that I was getting money, but to use it as an example that being rich or getting a lot of money was all an illusion. That I was happy and/or sad about it all depending on what I thought about it.

Because we haven’t even seen the will yet. 
I am merely working under the assumption or illusion that I will be inheriting money.

It feels pretty exciting to think I am inheriting money.  Any amount of money.

And yet I have not even received a cent.

So it’s obviously not the money that is making me excited.
It’s the thought of receiving money that feels good.

So here’s what I want to offer you:

Why don’t we all try living in the space of thinking we are about to inherit money, we just don’t have it yet.

I know you may think this is crazy talk.

You may be thinking that I am different. I have reason to think I am inheriting money.

And you would be right.

 But it wouldn’t have to be inheritance.

A lot of people get this feeling by playing the lottery.
They could have bought the winning ticket and just not know it yet.

And it wouldn’t even have to be winning something or inheriting money.

It could be living in anticipation of making more money by working.

I had a business coach suggest that I think that my money was on It’s way to me, I just don’t know who is going to bring It to me yet.

I love that thought.

My money is coming, I just don’t know who is bringing it.

It’s like the Wells Fargo Wagon. (It’s-a comin’ down the street, oh please let it be for me!)

I have kept that thought.

Who is going to be bringing me my money? It’s going to be a big, delicious surprise!

That means the money isn’t someone else’s and then becomes mine.

Someone else doesn’t have less money because they pay me.

We both have MORE VALUE because I am being paid, and they are bringing in lots of money because of the tools I am teaching them.

My clients bringing me money creates more money for them.

And each day I wake up and look forward to finding out who it will be.

That though gives me a feeling of excitement!

That’s the space where I like to live.
That’s the thought I choose to think.

This time it just happens to be inheritance.

It’s my choice to live in delightful anticipation from whatever source.

How do you choose to think about life?

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