Money in a Pandemic

In the last couple of days the world has gone a little crazy. Things that we know and count on have shifted and reshaped with lightning speed.

We want to take action to protect ourselves and our family.
We want to stockpile enough toilet paper to last until summer.
We want to know our jobs will still provide for us.
We want to know our retirement accounts will allow us to be old and forgetful and yet still safe.

Take a breath.

It is okay to not know what to do.

We don’t know what is going to happen.
And that’s okay.

Yes, the market may be spectacularly down.
But money is still just an exchange of value.

There is nothing of greater value than the ones you love.

A pandemic has a hidden gift inside of all the misery and fear:
This is the time when we gather our loved ones close.
We stop the daily grind.
And we love.

We hug necks and remember to be thankful they are here.

I was at the grocery store this morning and noticed this:
The people who were upset and cut in line and were arguing with people were the ones who are living in two worlds.

They are living with one foot in their normal life and one foot in the new topsy turvy pandemic life.

That’s what was causing their internal conflict.

They are thinking that things should be one way and they aren’t.

It’s like they are living in a world where things are black and white. And today the things they think should be black are not black OR white.

They are without color at all.

The people at the grocery store who smiled at each other and talked with strangers in line were the people who are surrendering to the moment.

We don’t know what this is all about and where it will end up and who will be alive and who will die.

And that’s okay because that’s where we are right in this moment.

Wait a few days or a few weeks to make any major changes in your life…
Money or otherwise.

This is the time to cocoon as much as you can.

Draw your people close.

Personally, I am not even checking the stock market. Those are my long term savings.

Personally, I am so thankful I have the money to buy some shelf stable milk and gluten-free crackers to be prepared for quarantine.

Surf the changing tides.
Feel all the feelings.

And when we get more information, then decide what big steps to take.
If any.

Sure… buy your Charmin now. 
But this time is about gratitude first.

Take another breath.

And surrender to the moment.

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