The Story of How the Pandemic Went.

Sometimes when the pandemic seems overwhelming, I tell myself the story of how it went.

My future self is so smart.

I pretend it is the future, and I use that knowing… that freedom from present day stress… to let today’s me know it’s going to be okay.

So here goes… a little story from future me to present day me…

During the Pandemic of 2020, things started off scary and everyone was blaming everyone else.

I was scared that I would have to work a job where people breathe directly on me, just to make ends meet.

Then I managed my mind. (Isn’t that always the answer?)

I tamed the thoughts born of fight, flight or freeze.

I started enjoying my time off.

I taught my daughter to cook and my husband taught her to play poker.
(Equally important skills, don’t you think?)

Instead of constricting and trying to make things happen, I slowed down and listened to the wise whispers in my head.

I started paring down to doing just what made me happy.
(If you don’t count weeding the yard.)

But I didn’t even do as much weeding as usual. My knees said, “Back off, lady!”

And I listened.

I put my community ahead of my own needs. And that felt right.

I started having back yard girlfriend dates.
I invited people I have been meaning to catch up with to my beautiful patch of land.
We had fires. We had smores. We had mint tea.

I took the time to plan what we would do if Mom’s building came down with COVID19. And they did. And I had my plan so I was the source of calm I wanted to be for Mom. 

I found ways to be supportive of the folks who are on the front line of this pandemic.

I sewed face masks.

I printed PPE on our 3-D printer.

I supported the people supporting the front line workers.

I took the extra time to dive deep into researching and finding solutions for my daughter’s chronic health issues.

I was brave enough to spend MORE money rather than less during this time that my husband was out of work. I accomplished things that I normally don’t have both time and money to accomplish.

I coached women on giving themselves a break and owning their greatness even when money gets scary.
I helped them see the path forward on a journey that seemed so chaotic at the time.

I spent time thinking and having conversations about what it means to live in a democracy.

I aligned my spiritual self with my animal self.

I changed course.

Several times.

I lived in constant creative response to what was in front of me.

I was a ninja, bobbing and weaving and parkouring my way through unexpected challenges.

I eased out of the pandemic, feeling I had contributed and with a new way of navigating life.

I now live life with more integrity.

I have stopped coloring my hair.
I wear my color demarcation with pride. 

I have uncomfortable conversations when it’s the right thing to do.

If given the choice, I would turn down the opportunity to experience a pandemic.

But I am a better woman because of it.

I like the woman I have become because of how the pandemic changed me.

What story is your future self waiting to tell you?

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