Need to Make Some More Money?

When you are trying to get some money, you usually get a job.

Getting a job can feel heavy at times. 
You have to do things the way someone else wants you to do them. 
Your time is not yours. 
You trade your time for money.
There are limits.

But there is a difference between having a job and having a calling.

When you go through life following your calling, you are doing what the Universe/God has designed you to do.

You are not required to follow the demands of a boss. In fact, with a calling you are often required to do exactly the opposite.

You must do what is best for all and the greater good.

Even if it makes people upset.

Yes, you carry out some tasks that aren’t your favorites, but it’s like brushing your teeth. You do it every day because you look forward to the greater result. And lower dental bills. 

Your calling might be a divine purpose.

Your calling might be to help someone else be divine.

At times my calling has been to be huge… bigger than life.

And other times my calling has been to wait and do nothing.
There have been periods in my life that have been placeholders so I catch the next adventure at the right time.

When you are answering your calling, you are a magnet for all things good.

Because like things attract each other.

So when you are in doubt about what your work is in the world or what you are supposed to do next,
just pause.

Ask yourself, “What now?”

And be still.

In that stillness there will be some sort of whisper.

I don’t know if it is the Universe or God or just the smartest part of your brain that finally has a quiet moment to get your attention.

But listen.

That’s your calling calling.

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