How Do You Want to Feel About Money?

I want to feel like I am KILLING IT whenever I manage my money… I want to think I am a ninja at making my money work for me.

I want to feel like I can go out and make money in a very clean way, delivering tons and tons of value to the other party.

I want my clients to feel like they are getting an enormous gift to get to pay me to work with them.

I want to feel like I can go into a store and buy anything I want.

I want a life so full that I don’t even want to buy anything. But I do buy the basics because I take care of myself and the people I love. 

I want buying things to be matter of fact rather than driven by overwhelming desire.

I want to feel like I am the money magnet.

I want to feel like I understand money.

I want to feel like all my bills will always be taken care of and I have a huge buffer for safety.

I want to feel like I can’t remember what it was like to be worried about money.

I want to feel generous.

We all want to feel good about money.

But it’s a different thing to actually decide exactly what you want and then believe it.

Articulate it and own it.

A general feeling of wanting doesn’t get you anywhere.

It doesn’t propel you.

When you narrow your desire down as far as it can go, then you can create it.

Be specific. 

Tell yourself the truth about what you want to feel.

I never used to know that creating feelings on purpose was possible.

But it’s made ALL the difference.

I can have what I want.
You can too.

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