We Make the Same Choices Over and Over

It’s the choices we repeatedly make that determine our wealth.

It’s the choices we repeatedly make that determine our wealth.

Repeated choices.

If you are like most people, you think I’m talking about overspending. 
You think about the Hulu subscription that seems so little per month, but adds up over time.

You think about the barre class membership that you bought and never use and still haven’t canceled even though they aren’t even open during the pandemic. Because, you know, you really mean to go some day.

You are quick to beat yourself up or look for fault in yourself.

But I want to offer you this: 

You can make choices repeatedly that align with what you value in life.

Repeated choices CAN help you build money.

I repeatedly choose to pay my power bill.

And I am delighted to pay so little for so much.

My power bill pays for lights and air conditioning and running my computer.

I repeatedly choose to save for my retirement.
I delight in seeing my interest compound and multiply.

I get excited seeing the growth.

Repeated choices can drain your wealth 
AND repeated choices can create wealth.

Most people forget the second one.

It’s your choice.
In both cases.

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