Turns out I didn’t want more and bigger.

I have never thought of myself as a minimalist.

I think of myself as wanting the right amount.

I want the good quality.

I want plenty.

But I don’t want a lot to maintain and clean.

In my mind I want to be ready to move onto a boat and sail around the world at a moment’s notice.

I mean that literally.
But my reality is that being ready to hop on a boat has been a metaphor for being available for incredible opportunities.

I didn’t get a washing machine until I was in my 30’s.

I didn’t get a dishwasher until I was 40. (That second kid using sippy cups tipped the scale.)

I have been a minimalist with stuff for a while.

But this pandemic has made me into a minimalist with my time.

Due to COVID protocols I don’t need to attend meetings.
I am minimizing visits I “should” be making with extended family.
I have long stretches of time to dream and scheme.

I am embracing all kinds of minimalizing.

Less clutter.

Less hectic.

Less cleaning.

Less appointments.

Less overwhelm.

I have been building a big, glorious, luscious life.

Turns out I didn’t want more and bigger.

I wanted less.

So I am steering towards a deep, meaningful, glorious, luscious life.

I have been creating extra space… breathing room.

Good things happen in the margins.

I intend to keep things cleared out so there are margins in my life.

And boats. Lots of boats.

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