I Feel the Energy

Don’t flinch. I am going to use the word… energy.

I have always steered away from coachy terms, but I find myself drawn more and more to the concept of energy.

It’s like the term nuclear. There is no other single word for it.

Energy can sound like it is made up or mystical. 

“I feel an energy around us.”

Or, “There is an energy field around that alien space ship.”

But here is how I use the word energy…

When you think about going from nothing to something, it takes energy.

Whether it’s starting a project, 
starting an exercise program, 
changing from doing nothing about your hair to straightening it every morning… 
each takes energy.

When you meet someone and know they are a walking, talking big ball of love (or that they are evil) you have a sense of it because of their energy.

Energy is tension.

Energy is how you hold yourself and your tone of voice.

Energy is something you can’t see, 
but you can see its effect on everything and everyone.

It’s not woo-woo to notice that someone else’s energy is dangerous.

We do that all the time when we make friends or avoid people.

It’s called being savvy.

I am going to use the term energy to describe the unique combination of physical sensations and emotions you perceive at any given time.

So, I am going to start using the term when I am getting too up in my head about things.

When I seem stuck in a cycle of worry. 

I am going to take a breath and ask myself, “What sort of energy am I creating right now?”

Using the word energy gives credence to your inner animal.

Some professors say that 93% of the information you take in is non-verbal.

Let’s tap into all that knowledge.

Er, I mean energy.

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