Are you creative?

Sure, everyone wants to be happy.

Everyone wants to stop feeling crappy.

The natural thing to do is to try to move away from the thing you think is so painful.

How has that been working for you?

Yeah. Me either.

Ready to try something new?

Something outside the box?

Try this: Instead of moving away from something, move toward something.
A creative life.

Creativity isn’t just for musicians, artists, and dancers.

You can be creative with everything…
how you talk with people…
where you live…
how you hold your fork…
how you use punctuation…

As Deepak Chopra says, “The foundation of life is the flow of creative intelligence.

It organizes body and mind to support new possibilities at every moment.”

Life is a creative project.

That sounds delicious.

That sounds like happiness to me.

What is one small thing that you can do creatively today?

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