Don’t Jump to the Fix

Some people come to me wanting to be fixed.
They want to stop the hurting… fast.

Of course. We all want that.

And man, I would love to fix the problem… take away all that pain.

But here’s the thing...
When you go from thinking thoughts that make you feel bad straight to thoughts that make you feel great, it doesn’t stick.

It’s not a fix.

You missed a step.

You must be willing to feel the bad feeling before you can get through the pain to the other side.

It works like this:
Think something bad like, “No one likes me.”
Then feel the feeling all the way through.

Shame, sadness, unloved… whatever it is you feel.

Explore it a bit. 
Hear what the pain has to say.
Feel it in your body as a sensastion.

THEN you can move on to feeling like a badass powerhouse.

You skip that exploration, and it will come back to bite you another day.

Feelings don’t like to be ignored.

What comes right before the fix?

Feeling the feeling. 

I like to call it “allowing.”

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