It’s time for my annual list

I love giving gifts that don’t clutter up someone’s house. 

Most of us don’t need more stuff. We want more moments and more meaning. 

In previous years I have offered ideas of experiences you can give as gifts. This year I am taking it up a notch and offering you a few ideas of experiences you can give as a gift AS WELL AS helping a charity at the same time. 

Drum roll please: 

Tickets to the Independent Picture House
There is a new independent/art film theater in Charlotte, and I have a friend who loves to support the arts. This is the perfect gift for her… perhaps tickets tied to a box of popcorn or milk duds. We can see a movie together and support the arts at the same time.
Maybe your town has an art film theater too.  

Gift Card to Julia’s Coffee Shop
There is a cool little coffeeshop/bookstore in Charlotte that is run by Habitat for Humanity. Your friend gets coffee and Habitat gets all the proceeds to help build houses for people who need a home. 

Annual Pass to America’s National Parks
For the people on your list with a love of the outdoors, a pass to all our incredible National Parks is a natural. My sister gave me a lifetime pass last year, and I am still thrilled.An annual pass is $80 for most folks. If you are 62 years old or older, an annual pass is $20 and a lifetime pass is $80.  A steal. 

Take them to dinner at The King’s Kitchen
In my city, there is a non-profit restaurant and bakery that exists “in the spirit of excellence by training and equipping men and women most consider to be unemployable. Our leadership and life-skills training transform those once at risk and turn them into leaders in the Charlotte Community.”
I haven’t tried it yet, but the photo on their website of the fried chicken looks mouthwatering even to someone who doesn’t like fried chicken. 

A pet from the Humane Society
I don’t personally want a new pet this year (do you hear me gift giving friends?) But if you/they are ready, you are going to get big love from giving a furry bundle of joy. 

And surely there is some rainforest that we could save by giving and eating more chocolate. 🙂 

What experiences can you give where you live? 

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