Goal Setting Brain Hack

Last night I told my husband that I proclaim this the “Year of Health”.
I don’t think he knows how this will impact him yet which is probably for the best.

I am moving from my “he’s an adult and can take care of himself” philosophy to a new “it’s time to get with the program” posture.

I don’t usually try to influence him, so I am fascinated to see how this goes.
I think it totally depends on my approach.
We shall see.

In the meantime, I am setting my own goals and I want to share a goal setting brain-hack so you can get your 2023 rolling.

Brain Hack:

When you write your list of goals for the year, make a list of things you want.

Here’s the trick: Write not just things you want that you don’t have, include things you want that you already have.

Usually, you will find as you write that most things you want you already have.

Then, every third or fourth item on the list, throw in a want that you have yet to get.

When you read this list, your brain will notice all the abundance you have in your life.

Read the list periodically.

Your brain, which loves efficiency, will gradually assume that you have everything on the list.

Your brain will read it as a list of all the wonderfulness in your life.
This means you are operating from a place of “future you” … the person who already has everything you want.

Then take it one step further.

Let “future you” tell you how you achieved those goals.
I think you will be surprised by her brilliance.

You are welcome.

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