Someone else doesn’t have to lose for you to win.

I see it all the time.
In your heart of hearts, you think if I receive something, someone else is losing something. 

But most of life isn’t that way. 

Take for example your work life.
When you get a promotion and other people don’t, it may seem like they have lost out.
But it may be instead that they now have space for a different, more aligned job.
This was never their job. 
It is your job. 

Or how about love.
You give love.
It’s not as if you give love and now you don’t have love anymore.
No one loses. 

And then there is money.
I always think of the Ghandi example. When he tried to give away all of his money, people kept giving him more.  
That’s a win-win.
No losers there.
He gave his money away and people gave him money.

 Maybe going for the win means you become stronger so you can reach back and give a hand to the others. 

Just because you win doesn’t mean someone else loses. 

So go for the win. 

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