The problem isn’t overspending. It’s underfeeling.

The reason you feel like there’s not enough… 
the reason you sometimes feel poor… 
the reason you have a lack mentality is not because you don’t make enough money.
It’s not that you don’t have enough saved.
It’s not that you overspend.

It’s that you are under-feeling.

You are not fully feeling your feelings.

  • You are not asking for the raise because you are avoiding possibly feeling rejected.
  • You are going down the Amazon shopping rabbit hole because you don’t want to feel so lonely.
  • You are numbing yourself from feeling the pain of saying no to a relative who wants you to pay for their college education.
  • You buy a bigger house/car/handbag than you would if you didn’t want to feel judged by the Joneses.

Think of the reason you are stressed about money.

Every reason involves under-feeling.

This is amazing news, because once you know the cause, the solution becomes crystal clear!

Let yourself feel your feelings.
All your feelings, the good AND the bad.

Feel more.

THAT’S how to fix your underlying financial worries.

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