Forest Bathing to Dissolve Your Stress

Stressed out?
I am writing you a prescription for forest bathing.

Japanese studies show that the health benefits of forest bathing can last as long as 30 days.

It’s pretty much like the name says.
You choose a nice patch of forest or woods or in a pinch a city park.

Once you are among the trees, sit or walk or do some tai chi.

Find a spot that speaks to you.
No phone. 
Of course.

Then engage your senses.
Smell. Inhale the phytocides.

Ask yourself, “What all do I smell?”

Listen for the sounds.

Listen for the sounds beyond the sounds.

Notice the colors.
Take it all in.

Touch the leaves and plants. Are the leaves wet with dew? Are they soft or rigid or prickly?

Like water in a bath, let the forest enfold you.

It can lower your body’s stress hormones.

Extra credit points for bare feet.

How long? Start with any amount of time… 30 seconds all you can do? No problem.
Then gradually work your way up to 2 hours.
If you want.
No pressure.

If your monkey brain chatter keeps interrupting you, taking you out of the moment, let those thoughts pass through you like a cloud, and direct your attention back to your five senses.

Forest bathing… too simple for us busy folks to do.

But it’s like breathing… simple, but has great benefits, 
and we are meant to do it.

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