Do you know about mirror neurons?

Mirror neurons: Easy, practical science for a badass life.

mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when a person acts 
and when a person observes that same action performed by another person.

It’s like when someone yawns and that makes you yawn.

Or like when you realize you and the person you are talking to both have your hand on your hip and are taking a sip of your drinks.


This has all sorts of implications.

If what we see is what we project, we can consciously create what we project to others by who we hang out with.

Who do you want to see reflected in your mirror?

Who has the kind of relationships you want to have?

Who handles their money in a way you want to graciously use your abundance?
Who moves through life like the kind of badass you want to be (or not be)?

Mirroring is unconscious. But you can utilize it consciously.

Who do you want to mirror?

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