Last week I went skiing.

How are you supposed to learn new things?

By trying things out.
By failing.
By looking like a dumbass.

By assessing and trying again. (This is the part most people skip.  They fail and stop.)
You don’t want to just simply try again.

If you fail over and over without assessment and change, you will eventually become discouraged and give up.

But it doesn’t have to feel like work.

I went skiing last week for the first time in around 30 years.
My daughter asked me to teach her how to ski and I was excited.
It combined two of my greatest loves… skiing and teaching.

The biggest complement was when she said, “That wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be!!!”

That’s what a trainer strives for:
When someone thinks they are smart and wonderful and doesn’t even realize that the trainer was the secret sauce.

Maybe that’s what makes a good Mom too. Hmmm.

Most of my skiing skills came right back to me, but I was learning and relearning as I went.

We went from snowplow (now called pizza) to turning, to bringing the uphill ski parallel to the downhill ski, to a little ankle action.

It wasn’t pretty (on my part) but it felt so right.

What would you like to learn at this point in your life?
What is the first small step to take towards it?

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