Operating on the belief that some people are better than others.

What happens when people are operating on the belief that some people are better than others?

That’s why we have bullies.

That’s why some people drink.

We compare and despair.

We feel like we are not enough.
Or that other people are stupid.

None of that feels very good.

What is another belief that we could operate on that would feel better?

I like the idea that we are all part of one energetic force.  We are all connected.

It reminds me of a blog post I wrote a dozen years ago about Jill Bolte Taylor, the neuroscientist who had a stroke and watched herself lose her sense of individuality.  She is an incredible storyteller.

You can watch her TedTalk here.

It’s one of my favorites.

But we don’t have to lose the use of half of our brain to experience the world differently. We can try out different ideas.

What belief would make sense to you AND make you feel good? 

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