Several times this week I ran into people who I thought knew what I do for a living, who then asked me what I am doing these days. ?!?

I have been doing this work for over a decade.

I obviously have not made myself visible.

I have not been vocal about what I do to help people.

I want to make sure to be clear so here’s a stab at it:

I help women become money confident and achieve financial freedom, no budgets required.

And along the way we make the rest of their life deeper and richer and more fabulous.

What do y’all think? Does that explain what I do?

We have all been there.

Difficult conversations about money.

Who wants that argument?
Or that snide look?
Or that silent treatment?

It’s easier to put it off.

Stuff it down.
Gloss over it.

But every time you hold back on telling your truth, you make fear more important than love.


You make fear more important than love.

The good news when telling your truth:

No matter what response you get, the feeling of love is available to you. 

You can choose to feel love.

Try something you haven’t done before.  
Something you haven’t done because you think you are going to suck at it.

Or feel uncomfortable.

Make it a stretch.

But before you do, make an agreement with yourself that you aren’t going to beat yourself up for it.

It can be big… ask for a raise.

It can be small… smile at the next stranger.
