We all know that it takes failure to do great things.

Or do we?

The stories of our big wins rarely share all of the times we fell flat on our face with our skirt tucked into our panties.

It seems like the golden people have floated to the top of their fields in a way that is almost magical… free from heartache.

And when faced with failure ourselves, there are two ways to take it. As a sign that we have gone in the wrong direction, so we quit. Or we take that information and use it to course correct.

Guess which one humans lean towards.

Success doesn’t seem like it should be such a long slog.
Or so painful.

The truth is if you enjoy the process… the journey to where you are going… you keep going, despite the failure.

Even though failure sucks.
Even for the golden people.

When you have a money problem the first thing you want to do is jump into action.

Cut the cable.
Sell the car.
Hire an accountant.
Blame it on your partner.

Which is the opposite of what will fix the problem.

Listen in to find out what to do to ACTUALLY repair your money problems.

No Band-Aids. Just real healing.

Not Making Enough Money Can Be Excruciating… “I Feel It In The Pit of My Stomach.”

Peek behind the scenes as you get to listen to a live coaching session!

How much money is enough?
Enough to pay the bills?
Enough to have a few extras along the way?
Enough to live all of your dreams?

When do you take a risk and when do you pull back and play it safe?

How people differ in their money strategies is fascinating.

As you listen to this live coaching call, notice what you are thinking about my client and her money challenges.

The way she thinks about money has made all the difference.