Down deep, you have the answers.
I can’t tell you whether to spend your money on lattes or give it to charity.
That’s up to you.
Each one of us has our own path.

But you need to love your why.

Why are you spending your money the way you do?
Why do you live where you do?
Why do you pay what you pay for haircuts? Or pizza? Or birthday gifts?

It doesn’t matter what A N Y O N E E L S E thinks.

But ask yourself why.
Happiness comes when you feel in integrity with your answer.

No piece of paper… no number… no computer screen can tell you how good or bad your life is going to be.

That’s an inside job.

Your bank statement is not God.

You can be happy with negative numbers or millions (or billions) of dollars.

The numbers don’t make your day shitty.

That’s the beauty.

You get to decide.

Each day.

You may think you are all in when it comes to making more money or getting out of money trouble.

But are you really?

Are you willing to put your money before family? Before happiness?

What would it take to explore ALL your options for the wealth you want?

Who would you be if you went all in?

Let’s strap in.