We are taught that a man is going to financially support us.
“Men bring home the bacon.”
“Men are better at handling the money.”
“Men are better at math.”
Sometimes people tell us these things, but more often it is simply what we observe.
If in every family you know the man handles the money, that’s what you know.
It’s harder to fight something that isn’t even put into words.
It’s harder to fight something you learn through osmosis… from just absorbing the example that’s around you.
It becomes “just how things are.”
If someone were to ask you if men are better than women, you would say, “No. Of course not.”
But your actions may contradict what your brain spits out.
Do you have equal say where the money is spent?
Where the money is invested?
Do you know where all the important papers are?
It takes more effort to assert yourself and be part of the money decisions than it takes to sit back and let someone else handle it.
I get it.
But when we become conscious and engaged we become aware of the inequalities between men and women and their money.
It takes effort, but it’s not hard.
You can start with something as small as an off-hand conversation or as big as raising your prices or asking for a raise.
It’s time to become conscious and engaged.
But it all has to start with awareness.
Men are not better.
Just different.
And we can do different.
Take the tiny step of deciding things are going to be different.
A lot of people think that the law of attraction means that you sit in the lotus position and think of things you want and then you are magically showered with money and treasures and all the things you desire.
You just have to want hard enough.
I don’t think that’s how the law of attraction works.
You also have to take action.
It is awesome to think of things you want. In fact it’s vital to think of things you want.
Unless you spend energy deciding exactly what it is you want in your life, you end up taking whatever comes along.
And then you look back at your life and think of all the things you wish you had.
That’s very passive and perhaps a little sad.
And you sure aren’t going to live your best life waiting for things to happen to you.
But I have a suggestion.
After dreaming your dreams and unearthing your true desires, write those things down.
Then head in that direction.
You won’t know how to get there, but by taking some action, you set things in motion.
You will figure it out as you go along.
And when people see you headed a certain way, they will help you along the way.
Some people call it the universe working together to manifest your dreams.
Some people think it’s an exchange of energy.
And some people think our body language and micro-expressions give subconscious cues to other people.
Whatever your belief, it’s being out in the world taking action toward what you want that draws it to you.
It’s a little like asking for help at a store.
You can tell the salesperson, “No thanks, I’m just looking.”
Most of the time you do that because you are tired of being annoyed by a cloying salesperson.
But if you have a skilled salesperson, and you tell them what you are looking for, you are giving them a chance to help you find the exact pair of black boots you want.
You won’t know the last pair is in the stock room unless you reach out and ask.
You can call it divine guidance or you can call it logical or a bit of both.
Either way…
action is the rocket fuel in the direction of your dreams.
Hang onto your hats, ladies.
We tell ourselves that money is hard.
We tell ourselves that money is scarce and we need to do things we don’t want to in order to have enough money to live.
We tell ourselves there is never enough money.
And if we get more money that means someone else has less money.
Lies. All lies.
What I want to propose to you is that money is easy.
Money can flow into your life.
There is abundance everywhere around you.
Especially in this first world country we live in.
There is food available everywhere from convenience stores to grocery stores to our refrigerators.
There is clean, fresh air all around us.
There is enough money for everyone.
We tell ourselves the lies because our brains are trying to keep us safe.
But we can disbelieve the lies.
We can be kind and gentle and compassionate with ourselves and let the universe conspire to make things happen for us.
Money can be easy if you let it.
Or you can get all tangled up in the fear of what might happen at some later date.
You get to choose what to believe.
And what you believe determines the results in your life.
What do you choose?